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Would you like to understand the difference between Elternzeit and Elterngeld? Do you need to plan your parental leave but are confused as to how it works in Germany? Not sure if you should believe the various tips and tricks you are getting from friends and colleagues? Do you want to maximise your parental leave benefits and follow your family, personal and career plans at the same time? Then this course is for you!


Whether you’re still pregnant or have already given birth, this workshop is the right place for you to learn about the following:

  • Mutterschutz: what is it? How long does it last?
  • Mutterschaftsgeld: are you entitled? How long does it last? How much is it? How can you request it? 
  • Elternzeit: what does it entails? When and how should you apply? How long can you take Elternzeit? What is the different between Elterngeld and Elternzeit?
  • Elterngeld: what is it? How is Elterngeld calculated? What happends if you work and have some income whilst claiming Elterngeld? What shoudl you consider when applying? 
  • Examples of how to split the Elterngeld between the parents

WHAT TO expect?

The course is organized as a series of explanatory videos discussing one topic at a time. You can view the videos in one setting or over the course of several days / weeks. You have the option to stop the videos, view them several times, etc. 

I have also provided a video showing you several real-life examples of how some of my clients have split their Elterngeld.

In addition to the videos, I have included a number of information sheets summarizing information about the various topics. The course also includes checklists for the supporting documents you need to prepare for the various applications. Templates to apply for parental leave, tips and tricks of what to consider when making your plans complete the course.

After this course, you will understand the system behind maternity and parental leave, have lists of what to do and when and hopefully make the best plan for your family. Stop trailing the internet for information and get some expert advice now by booking this online course!



Online course - Elterngeld & Co

59 incl. VAT
  • information sheets on Mutterschutz, Mutterschaftsgeld, Elternzeit and Elterngeld​
  • template letter to apply for parental leave (Elternzeit)​
  • checklist of supporting documents to prepare for each application​
  • to-do lists when to apply for what​
  • lifetime access (your access will be paused for practical reasons after 12 months but can be reactivated anytime)​

Have you checked my two other online courses for more information and advice on having a baby in Germany as well as finding a Kita in Berlin?


Chapter 1: Mutterschutz

In this chapter you’ll learn about Mutterschutz, how long it lasts, your specific protection during this time (also explains if you are expecting twins / triplets).

Chapter 2: Mutterschaftsgeld

In this chapter, we explore the various scenarios according to your employment / self-employment status and insurance coverage (public / private), and what this means for your entitlement to Mutterschaftsgeld (whether you’re entitled and how much the benefit will be).

Chapter 3: Elternzeit

Here we will have a look at what parents in Germany are entitled to in terms of parental leave, when they should apply for it, etc. We will discuss the conditions you have to fulfill to make sure you will be granted Elternzeit, as well as what you should consider when planning your future as a family.

Chapter 4: Elterngeld

In this section, I present the legal framework around Elterngeld, what you’re entitled to, the various options (Basic Elterngeld, Elterngeld Plus and Partnership Bonus) and how it ties in with the Elternzeit (where relevant). I explain how much Elterngeld you can expect if you are employed or self-employed, and how working part-time whilst claiming Elterngeld can affect your benefit claim.  

Chapter 5: Elterngeld examples

In this final section, I present some real-life examples of how some of my clients have requested Elterngeld. There are examples from employed parents, self-employed, some have taken Basic Elterngeld and some Elterngeld PLus or a combination of both. We will look at their motivations and the plan they chose.

Frequently asked QUESTIONS

Yes, definitely! Firstly I recommend for parents to do as much as they can in terms of preparation during the pregnancy as you may be too tired and too busy once the baby is born to think about paperwork. Secondly, you will see in the course how much you can already think about, set up and prepare in the pregnancy so your application is as smooth as possible after birth.

Yes, definitely. A lot of self-employed parents think they are not entitled to anything but you will see that’s not the case. In most cases, birth mothers will be entitled to Mutterschaftsgeld and both parents to Elterngeld, even if they’re self-employed, so it’s definitely worth checking it out.

Absolutely! This course is a great introduction to the topic of parental benefits. You may find that you are entitled to at least Elterngeld which can mean from 3,600€ and up to 25,000€ in some circumstances (even if you didn’t live in Germany before birth).

In most cases yes, if you child is currently under 14 months old. It’s definitely worth a try. 

Yes, totally, the course is valid Germany-wide as all these topics are regulated by federal laws.

No, the course does not explain how to fill in the Elterngeld forms as all forms are different from one region (Land) to the next so I cannot cover all of them. Also Elterngeld is very complex and there can be hundreds of combinations. It would take hours to show how to fill the forms correctly for all scenarios and probably inaccurate.

The Elterngeld & Co does not cover Kindergeld. This information can be found in my “Having a baby in Germany” online course however where I have a video showing exactly how to fill it in.

If you still have questions after watching the course, I offer individual services such as the Elterngeld Basic Package or Elterngeld Premium Package which you can upgrade to (see below).

I often explain to my clients that a successful application for Elterngeld has 3 phases:

  1. Understanding the framework surrounding Elternzeit and Elterngeld, what the options are, what you’re entitled to, how much Elterngeld you can get and for how long, the deadlines etc.
  2. Deciding what the best strategy for your family is, taking into account your family plans (who wants to stay home for how long, staying or leaving Germany, etc), your financial situation (how much do you need to keep your standard of living, etc) and your career plans (any promotions coming up or professional training you’d like to pursue)
  3. Filling in the application according to your wishes, gathering the supporting documents and communicating with the authorities if any questions come up.

The online course covers the first step. 

The Elterngeld Basic Package covers step 1 and 2.

The Elterngeld Premium Package covers all steps.

Absolutely! All families that booked the Elterngeld & Co course get a 10% discount on my individual services Elterngeld Basic or Premium Packages. Just contact me.

About your course INSTRUCTOR

Hello, I’m Elodie and an expert in all baby-related matters in Germany.

I have been a maternity concierge in Germany since 2017 and have helped hundreds of parents with their Elternzeit and Elterngeld applications.

My goal is to make sure you understand the legal framework as best as possible so that you can plan the best possible strategy for your family when it comes to parental leave.

Check out my other courses or the individual services I provide for more information.

Picture of Baby in Berlin owner and podcast host
smiley pregnant woman looking her laptop

Book the Elterngeld & co online course today!


We are currently updating our online courses. Please wait a bit before ordering, the new version comes soon!